Research articles and papers:
Selvaratnam, R., Warburton, S., Parrish, D. & Crew, S. (2023). A Maturity Model for micro-credentialing and shorter forms of learning practice in Australasian universities. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. Under review.
Warburton, S. and Mor, Y. (2022) Design solutions for hybridised spaces in a learning and teaching context: seven patterns that address social practice, privacy, and participation. In 25th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLop ’22), July 06–10, 2022, Irsee, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.
Warburton, S. and Perry, M. 2021. Design Patterns for Curriculum Renewal and Course reDesign. In 26th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP’21), July 07–11, 2021, Graz, Austria. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages.
Warburton, S. and Perry, M. 2020. Design patterns for teaching in online settings. In Proceedings of EuroPLoP '20, July 1–4, 2020, Virtual Event, Germany.
Liyanagunawardena, T. R., Lundqvist, K., Mitchell, R., & Warburton, S. (2019). A MOOC Taxonomy Based on Classification Schemes of MOOCs. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, 22(1). DOI 10.2478/eurodl-2019-0006
Warburton, S., Bergin, J., Kohls, C., Köppe, C. & Mor, Y. (2016). Dialogical assessment patterns for learning from others. In: Preprints of the 2016 VikingPLoP Conference. Leerdam, Netherlands: ACM.
Bergin, J., Kohls, C., Köppe, C., Mor, Y., Portier, M., Schümmer, T., & Warburton, S. (2015a). Assessment-Driven Course Design - Foundational Patterns. In Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLoP’15. Irsee, Germany: ACM.
Bergin, J., Kohls, C., Köppe, C., Mor, Y., Portier, M., Schümmer, T., & Warburton, S. (2015b). Assessment-Driven Course Design - Fair Play Patterns. In Proceedings of the 22nd Pattern Languages of Programs conference, PLoP’15. Pittsburgh, USA
Aktar, S., Warburton, S. & Xu, W. (2015). The use of an online learning and teaching system for monitoring computer aided design student participation and predicting student success. Int. J. Technol. Des. Educ. pp1-20. DOI 10.1007/s10798-015-9346-8
Warburton, S. and Mor, Y. (2015 ). A set of patterns for the structured design of MOOCs. Open Learning Journal. Vol:30: DOI: 10.1080/02680513.2015.1100070
Mor, Y. & Warburton, S. (2015). Practical Patterns for Active and Collaborative MOOCs: Checkpoints, FishBowl and See Do Share. eLearning Papers, 42.
Kinchin, I.M., Hosein, A., Medland, E., Lygo-Baker, S., Warburton, S., Gash, D., Rees, R. Loughlin, C., Woods, R., Price, S. and Usherwood, S. (2015). Mapping development of a new MA in higher education: Comparing private and public perceptions. Journal of Further and Higher Education.
McKellar, P., Warburton, S. (2013). Developing an e-reader and e-publishing model for flexible and open learning on a distance learning LLB programme. European Journal of Law and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1.
Mor, Y., Warburton, S. & Winters, N. (2012). Participatory pattern workshops: a methodology for open learning design inquiry. Research in Learning Technology. Vol. 20. DOI: 10.3402/rlt.v20i0.19197
Warburton, S. (2009). Second Life in higher education: Assessing the potential for and the barriers to deploying virtual worlds in learning and teaching, British Journal of Educational Technology. 40 (3), 414-426.
Hatzipanagos, S. and Warburton, S. (2009). Feedback as dialogue: exploring the links between formative and social software in distance learning, Learning, Media and Technology, 34:1, 45-59. DOI: 10.1080/17439880902759919, URL:
Book chapters:
Warburton S., Perry M. (2022). Design for Balance: Addressing Challenges of Safety, Privacy and Identity Management in Online and Hybridised Learning and Teaching Spaces. In: Gil E., Mor Y., Dimitriadis Y., Köppe C. (eds) Hybrid Learning Spaces. Understanding Teaching-Learning Practice. Springer, Cham.
Warburton, S. and Pérez Garcia, M. (2016). Analysing teaching practices In Second Life: A design taxonomy for the implementation of workshops in virtual worlds. In (Eds.) Dalgarno, B., Gregory, S., Lee, M., and Tynan, B. (2016). Virtual Worlds for Online Learning: Cases and Applications. Canada: Athabasca University Press.
Warburton, S. & Mor, Y. (2015). Double Loop Design: Configuring Narratives, Patterns and Scenarios in the Design of Technology Enhanced Learning. In Y. Mor, M. Maina & B. Craft (ed.), The Art and Science of Learning Design. Netherlands: Sense.
Warburton, S. (2014). Social Media Design Patterns. In Mor, Y., Warburton, S., Winters, N. and Mellar, H. Eds. Practical design patterns for teaching and learning with technology. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.
Warburton, S. (2013). Space for Lurking: a Pattern for Designing Online Social Spaces. In Warburton and Hatzipanagos (Eds.) Social Media and Digital Identity. p149-158. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Warburton, S. and Pérez Garcia, M. (2009). 3D design and collaboration in massively multi-user virtual environments. In D. Russell (Ed.) Cases on collaboration in virtual learning environments: processes and interactions. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Edited books:
Mor, Y., Mellar, H., Warburton, S. and Winters, N. Eds. (2014). Practical design patterns for teaching and learning with technology. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense. See
Hatzipanagos, S. and Warburton, S. Eds. (2009). Social Software and Emerging Community Ontologies. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI 10.4018/978-1-4666-1915-9
Warburton, S. and Hatzipanagos, S. (2013) Eds. Digital Identity and Social Media . Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1915-9
Conference proceedings:
Warburton, S. & Mor, Y. (2022). Emerging design solutions for hybridised learning spaces: addressing social practice, privacy and participation. 39th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2022, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Alian, S., Parkes, M. & Warburton, S. (2022). The Impact of social presence during COVID-19 and the implications for learning design [Pecha Kucha Presentation]. 39th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, ASCILITE 2022, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Parkes, M., Warburton, S. And Thorneycroft, S. (2021) Learning Design at a Distance: Development of a Goal-based Model for Program-level learning Design. ISSOTL 2021 Online Conference. 26th to 29th October 2021..
Warburton, S. & Perry, M. (2020). The Value of Design Patterns in Designing Teaching in Online Settings. Proceedings 37th International Conference of Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, Armidale, NSW.
Warburton, S., Elgort, I. and White, D. (2019). A three tier model to promote the institutional adoption of learning analytics. Proceedings ASCILTE 2019, Singapore.
Lundqvist, K. and Warburton, S. (2019). Visualizing Learner Flows in MOOCs. Proceedings LWMOOCS VI, 23-25 October, 2019, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
Lundqvist, K., Godinez, M. and Warburton, S. (2018). Visualizing Learner Behaviour in MOOCs using Sankey Diagrams. Proceedings ASCILTE 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
Warburton, S., Fragkaki, M. and Vahora, S. (2016). MOOCs for Motivation: Promoting Student Engagement in Higher Education Studies. Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2016 Annual Conference Budapest, Hungary.
Loughlin, C., Hitchings, C., Barton, C., Anthoney, J., Barker, H., Warburton, S. and Niculescu, I. (2016) ‘Open Badges: Acknowledging Soft Skills Acquisition’, In Novotna, J. and Jancarik, A. (eds.), Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on E-Learning, ACPI (Academic Conference Publishing International), pp. 433–441.
Mor, Y., Warburton, S., Nørgård, R. T., & Ullmo, P. A. (2016, September). MOOC Design Workshop: Educational Innovation with Empathy and Intent. In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (pp. 453-459). Springer International Publishing.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45153-4_42
Loughlin, C., Warburton, S., Crane, S. & Sammels, W. (2015) Towards Active Learning Spaces and the Flipped Classroom Model. In: 14th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2015. 29 October 2015 University of Hertfordshire, ACPIL. pp. 322–328.
Mor, Y. & Warburton, S. (2015). Maintaining the heartbeat: Checkpoints and Fishbowls. Proceedings of the European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2015. Mons, Belgium. p141-146.
Warburton, S. & Mor, Y. (2015). Building better MOOCs: Using design patterns for massive open online course development. Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2015 Annual Conference Barcelona. p121-128.
Kinchin, I.M., Hosein, A., Medland, E., Lygo-Baker, S., Warburton, S., Gash, D., Rees, R., Loughlin, C., Woods, R., Price, S. and Usherwood, S. (2014). Concept mapping-mediated reflections on the design of a new M.A. programme in higher education. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Concept Mapping. 23rd – 25th September, Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Warburton, S., Hatzipanagos, S. and Valenta, L. (2014). From Carer to Carer+: The translation of a digital competence framewwork into a blended mobile learning programme for the domiciliary care sector. Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2014 Annual Conference, Zagreb, 11-13 June, 2014.
Mor, Y. and Warburton, S. (2014). Assessing the value of design narratives, patterns and scenarios in scaffolding co-design processes in the domain of technology enhanced learning. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networked Learning 2014, 518-523. Edited by: Bayne S, Jones C, de Laat M, Ryberg T & Sinclair C. Available from
Akhtar, S. A., Warburton, S. and Xu, W. (2013). Development and Preliminary Evaluation of an Interactive System to Support CAD Teaching. Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for eLearning. IEEE.
Valenta, L., Pérez-García, M., Suba, E., Warburton, S. and Ziegler, P. (2013). Carer+: Towards a digital competence framework for care workers in domicilliary care. Proceedings of the European Distance and E-Learning Network 2013 Annual Conference, Oslo, 12-15 June, 2013. ISBN 978-963-89559-3-7
Warburton, S. and Dickens, J. (2011). Innovation versus control: a framework for promoting innovative programme design within a managed business infrastructure.
Proceedings EADTU Annual Conference 2011: Universities and regional development in an open knowledge society; sharing innovation and knowledge in European universities.
Download avaiable from:
Ravenscroft, A., Warburton, S. and Hatzipanagos, S. (2010). Design perspectives for learning with social media: Reconciling informal and formal learning through Web 2.0? Symposium Accepted for International Conference on Educational Media (Ed-Media) 2010, Toronto, June 29-July 2 2010. Download EdMediaSymposium_2010
Warburton, S. (2008).MUVEs and Second Lives: exploring education in virtual worlds. In Gourlay, L. and Saxby-Smith, S. Editor(s), Excellence in Teaching Conference 2008 Annual Proceedings. King's Learning Institute. p119-127.
Attwell, G., Warburton, S., Costa, C. and Elferink, R. (2008). Evolve: A story of building community bridges between researchers in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). JISC U&I Programme Project Presentations - Association for Learning Technology Conference 2008. p16-19. Available online at
Hatzipanagos, S. and Warburton, S. (2007). Closing the Loop: Exploring the Links between Formative Assessment and Social Software in Distance Education. Paper presented at the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, 25th - 29th June, Vancouver, Canada.
Other publications:
Gregory, S., Warburton, S. and Schier, M. (2021). Editor: Proceedings 38th International Conference of Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education.
Warburton, S. (2021). University of the Future. How the University of New England Sees it. D2L University of the Future Series.
Gregory, S., Warburton, S. and Parkes, M. (2020). Editor: Proceedings 37th International Conference of Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education.
Warburton, S. (2020) ‘In a world of digital bystanders the challenge is for all of us to design engaging online education’. The Conversation (November 2020).
Commissioned by AVC (Digital Futures), Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Norman, R., Peters, K., and Bickerton, S. H. (2017). ‘It takes a city to raise a graduate’. VUW Press. Available at, Y., Winters, N. and Warburton, S. (2010). Participatory Pattern Workshops Resource Kit (2.1) . Available online at
Warburton, S. (ed.) (2010). Digital Identity Matters. London: King’s College London. Available online at
Warburton, S. (2009). MUVEnation Report on Design Patterns for Virtual Worlds. Retrieved from, G., Fraser, J. and Warburton, S. (2009). Framing the community: developing social spaces to scaffold emerging communities. In JISC Emerge: a user-centred social learning hub. Available online at
Cormier, D., Gardener, M., Hibbert, G., Le Cornu, A., Perez-Garcia, M., Talbot, M., Truelove, I., Warburton, S., and White, D. (2009). OpenHabitat Magazine. JISC Publications: Bristol, UK.
Download OpenHabitatFullImages - the magazine format report from the OpenHabitat project detailing the educational uses of virtual worlds for education.Finlay, J., Gray, J., Falconer, I., Hensman, J., Mor, Y., Warburton, S. (2009). Planet: Pattern Language Network for Web 2.0 in Learning.
Final report avaiable from: