2017 to present:
- Keynote and Conference Chair for the 'Identity Conference 2019: Identity as taonga: now and in the future'. August 27 to 28 2019, Te papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
- ASCILTE 2018. 'Visualising learner behaviour in MOOCs: an institutional perspective.' 25-28/11/18. Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
- Keynote at Wellington Club 2018. Invited talk on 'The future of education: how digital technologies are disrupting our models of learning and teaching.' 06/11/18. Wellington, New Zealand. 06/11/18.
- Keynote at Tertiary ICT Conference 2017, wellington, New Zealand. 'Designing our Digital Future'. 06 to 08/09/17.
- ECTEL, Lyon France, 14th-15th September 2016. 'MOOC Design Workshop: educational innovation with empathy and intent'.
- EARLI-SIG 2016 Assessment and Evaluation, 24-26 August. Munich, Germany. 'Assessment driven course design: a pattern validation workshop'.
- EuroPLoP 2016, 6-10 July. Isree, Germany. 'Patterns for using Video in MOOCs'.
- EDEN 2016, 14-17 June, Budapest, Hungary. 'MOOCs for Motivation: Promoting Student Engagement in Higher Education Studies'.
- Viking PLoP 2016, 7-10 April, Leerdam, Netherlands. 'Dialogical patterns for learning from others'.
- Next Generation Learning Spaces, 21-23 March, London. 'Maximising Learning Spaces: technology and design'.
- CDE RIDE 2016 Conference. University of London. 11 March. 'Peer assessment and digital badges'.
- Online Educa Berlin, December 2015. One-day MOOC design workshop plus presentation on digital badges.
- ECEL 2015, 29-30 October, University of Hertfordshire, UK. "Towards Active Learning Spaces and the Flipped Classroom Model".
- ECTEL 15-17 September 2015, Toledo, Spain. One-day MOOC design workshop.
- ALT-C 2015, 8-9 September, Manchester, UK. "MOOC design workshop".
- EDEN 2015, 9-12 June, Barcelona Spain. "Building better MOOCS: Using design patterns for massive open online course development"
- eMOOCs Conference, 18-20 May 2015, Mons, Belgium.Maintaining the Heartbeat: Checkpoints and Firewalls'
- EduPlop - 1st Conference. 27-29 March. Assessment and feedback patterns.
- CDE RIDE 2015 Conference. 6th February 2015. 'Rapid MOOC design workshop challenge'.
- Online Educa Berlin. 'Design Patterns for MOOCs'. 3rd-5th December 2014
- Design4Learning, HEA Conference at the Open University. Panel session on 'Designing4MOOCs: What have we learnt?' 26-27th November 2014
- EADTU 2014 Conference Krakow, Poland. 'Successful MOOCs Design'. 22-24th October 2014
- EDEN 2014, Zagreb. CarerPlus project: Translating a digital competence framework into an online course. 11-13th June 2014.
- Keynote: Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, South Africa. "Future Challenges for Technology Enhanced Learning". 12th May 2014.
- Ketnote: MODERN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy. 9-10 April 2014
- Networked Learning Conference 2014, Edinburgh. 7-9 April 2014.
- M25 Group London meeting - "Creative use of Technology Enhanced Learning: Designing with Scenarios, Narratives and Patterns". 19/11/13
- Keynote: ECEL Conference 2013. 30-31/10/13
- Talk on "Disruptive Innovation" at Exploring Developments in Technology, Blended Learning and the Integration of Quantitative Methods and Substantive Teaching, University of Surrey
- Keynote: ELearning 2.0 conference, Brunel University. 31/07/13
- Keynote: Plymouth eLearning Conference, 10th - 12th April 2013
- Online Educa Berlin 2012, Berlin, 28th to 30th November. EReaders and EPublishing.
- Paper presentation with Patricia McKeller on eReaders and ePublishing. Chair: CDE Annual Conference: Research and Innovation in Distance Education and eLearning, London, 19th October 2012.
- EADTU Conference 27-28 September 2012, Cyprus: 'E-publishing and e-Readers: developing a model to balance business needs with scalable and flexible open learning'.
- Invited Keynote at Open University of Catalonia International Conference BCN Meeting 2012: Communication & Learning in the Digital Age - Social e-xperience. 3-4 July 2012
- E-books and E-content 2012. UCL London 10th May: 'Towards a sustainable ePublishing platform: mechanisms for supporting a global learning community'.
- Chair - discussion forum at 'Enchancing the Global Student Experience' conference 2012, Kuala Lumpar. 23-24 April. Organsied by iGraduate, HELP University and OBHE.
- BILETA 2012 Conference, Northumbria University Law School, 29-30 March 2012. Symposium on 'eReaders and ePublishing'.
- CDE workshop with J.Secker (LSE) and S.Hatzipanagos (KCL) on 'Finding and Evaluating Open Educational Resources'. 29 March 2012.
- EADTU 2011 Conference. 'Innovation versus control: a framework for promoting innovative programme design within a managed business infrastructure'. Anadolu, Turkey, 3-4 November 2011
- Centre for Distance Education - 'Research in Distance Education 2011' Conference, 26th October 2011. Workshop session on "Open Educational Resources".
- Warburton, S. and McKellar, P. (2011). Academic capacity building through the development of OERs for enhancing teaching practice. ICDE Conference 2011, Bali, Indonesia. Slides available at
- MU/PLE seminar series 2011,Open University. '[Re] inventing digital identity.' 7 July 2011.
- Edmedia 2011, 'Co-creation of open content: distribution, conflict and management'. Lisbon Portugal, 27 June to 1 July 2011
- Zenith College, Accra, Ghana. Workshop - 'Sharing Academic Practice', 11th June 2011
- Centre for Distance Education - ''Research in Distance Education: from research to impact', Univeristy of London, 23rd October 2010
- Festival of Learning, King's College London, 16th September 2010
- Edmedia 2010: Symposium 'Design Perspectives for Learning with Social Media: Reconciling
Informal and Formal Learning through Web 2.0?'. - Invited speaker: Department of Education, Oxford University. 24th February. 'Design patterns for Virtual Worlds' seminar
- Eduserv symposium: Where Next for Digital Identity, British Library, London. 7th January .
'Design Patterns for Digital Identity'
- Society for Research in Higher Education Conference '09, 8th-10th December. Research paper: 'The real possibilities for virtual worlds in higher education."
- Online Educa Berlin '09, 2'nd - 4th December. 1 day pre-conference workshop: 'Immersive worlds for education'.'Digital Identity' symposium organiser and presenter.
- MUVEnation project conference. 26th November. Presentation: 'Design patterns for Virtual Worlds'
- Centre for Information Management, University of Bath. Seminar: 21st October.'Design patterns for Digital Identity'
- ECER 2009 conference, Vienna, Austria. 28th September. 'Digital Identity research Workshop'. Slideshare here.
- Orange Island Educational Days, 28 April 2009 (
- JISC RSC conference, 31 March 2009 - "The reality of virtual worlds" (
- Seminar and workshop at "Learn Teach and Play in 3D Virtual Worlds" Event, 18th of March 2009 at City University, London, UK
- JISC-Emerge: Next Generation Technologies in Practice Conference, 10-11th March 2009, Loughborough UK.
- CAL '09 Brighton, March: Symposium chair for Design Patterns session
- Thought Fest ’09 European conference, 5-6 March 2009 (
- Centre for Distance Education Annual Conference 'From present research to future agendas', 9th February, SOAS, London. Presentation: "Future Learning Design"
- Evolve/Educamp ORT '09, 16 February 2009 - "Careers and the internet" (
- EFMD Advisory Services Seminar on 'Emerging technologies for management education',
9th December, Brussels. 'Virtual Spaces, Second Lives: what are the potential educational benefits of MUVEs?' - Educa Online Berlin 2008 - Symposium organiser and speaker on virtual worlds in education
- ReLive ’08 Conference, Open University, UK: Presentation entitled “Design for learning in virtual worlds: the tension between control and pedagogical approach”. 21 November 2008.
- LYCIT conference 7-12 July 2008, Kuala Lumpar. "Future Learning Design".