It was a real pleasure to be back at the ASCILITE conference 2022 in Sydney in hybrid / face-2-face mode. Experiencing the buzz of thought provoking presentations with plenty of opportunity to interact socially and academically with colleagues not seen in person for quite some time. I gave a concise paper on hybrid learning spaces based on a set of design patterns that had been developed in this domain as well as a book chapter in the excellent publication edited by E. Gil, Y. Mor, Y. Dimitriadis and C. Köppe (Eds). Hybrid Learning Spaces. Springer.
The premise of the presentation was that designing hybrid learning spaces is a design challenge that is centred on solving, not exclusively, the clash of discourses, processes and governance that exist between (broadly) between (i) a project management style 'technical, technological building' project and (ii) the design approach of multi-functional team being used to solve a 'learning and teaching' challenge. The solution ... use design thinking methodology with the appropriate supporting artefacts and tools that allow for shared problem solving.
The full slidedeck is here and the link to the paper added below.
Full text pdf of the paper is available for download from this link.