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July 04, 2008



Hi StevenW,
I was just wondering something. When I did a similar exercise recently (only a still, but similar in the sense of bringing my other form into SL) I also ended up making the fleshware appear larger than I am. I was wondering whether you did this deliberately, or whether there is some subtle psychology at work which makes our more material selves tend to represent themselves as larger?

Graham Mills

I've played briefly with this under Vista and was, like you, surprised at how easy it is to do. I was, however, under the impression that Veodia was free for 500 min or 3 months rather than indefinitely. Unless there's some educator or SL dispensation I missed? And, as Suzetta, said I made the prim larger than my avatar and the only other time I saw it done, it was the same.

Steven Warburton

hi Graham ... thanks for the clarification and yes you are right. The free sign up gives you the trial account which on mine allows for 500 minutes/views per month.


Interesting comment about the size of selves and a hint at the subtle psychology or is that symbolism of dominance of the real-world selves ... such big egos :) Or perhaps the virtual is just a pet? There are some other interesting examples in the Flickr group 'Behind the avatar' here:


Shirley Williams

I was just wondering if you could have some further selves here with avatars from different worlds.

Gloria Gomez- Diago

Dr.Steven Warburton:

Thanks for sharing this. It is brilliant and even human.
The video points out the humanity of the avatars and, in my opinion put the attention on the fact that our avatars are as extensions of our body (using the McLuhan idea). Your avatar is waiting for you to begin to walk, fly or interact. Great¡

I agree with Pierre Levy (1998:24)when he emphasizes the human aspect of these virtual environments saying thatvirtualization is a reinvention, a multiplication, of the human.

Thanks a lot!

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