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November 05, 2007



Hi Steve,
this look really interesting. I wonder if/when you build some case studies around it, it can help interpret social technologies for the e-framework?

Professor Steven Warburton

yes i think this might work as an approach to understanding social technologies around the e-framework. the case study i have at the moment is looking at MUVEs and if this proves a productive exercise then i will look for others. i will also be putting up two more tools that have been developed here on the blog which work in conjunction with this overarching framing device.

Alec Couros

I like this Steve, but when thinking "functional", I'm not sure about the way you've numbered these. Maybe I'm viewing this differently than you, but I'd number the decision activity as #1 if I was building it from the ground. I'd rather have my activities push the others, rather than have my existing world push my decisions.

Professor Steven Warburton

Thanks Alec. The numbering is, as you have spotted, is rather ad hoc and not at the moment designed as 'functionally' sequential but more as tags for the supporting documentation that I have been developing to add more detail to the factors/variables surrounding each of the central dimensions. When I have used the tool in a workshop setting I started at number 4 (decision activity) and in one example placed MUVEs (multi-user virtual environments) effectively at the centre and then analysed each triangle (1 to 3) and used the tool essentially for evaluating the applicability and indeed feasibility of MUVEs for educational purposes. The other way round would be to start with pedagogy (3) and then each of the other triangles (2 and 1) before making decisions (4) about suitable technologies using the specifications that are built from this exercise. I will revisit the numbering in light of your comments.

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