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January 23, 2007


Helen Keegan

Hi Steve, having had similar SL experiences I can relate to what you’re saying here, although I have also experienced what could possibly be termed a ‘SL-hangover’ – a genuine yearning to get back into RL and make contact with ‘real’ humans. What I find interesting is the ‘tipping point’… at which point do we reach the stage of SL overload, crave RL, and what are the triggers? I had an interesting experience last week where after an intensive (24 hours on-and-off) SL session, something in RL which normally would have been mildly disconcerting became slightly upsetting. Now while this could be a result of several factors I did feel that my ‘time away’ in SL rendered me slightly more vulnerable to a RL issue – possibly due to disengagement from the RL self?

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